Broadway First School's link to the School Performance Measures website can be found here


Broadway First School carried out all statutory assessments during the summer of 2023. The results compare the school favourably against national statistics and capped a highly successful year at Broadway First.


Assessment Broadway First National


Expected Standard

67% 67%

Year 1 Phonics

Expected Standard

86% 79.%

Year 2 Reading

Expected Standard

100% 68%

 Year 2 Reading

Greater Depth

30% 18%

Year 2 Writing

Expected Standard

70% 59%

Year 2 Writing

Greater Depth

0% 8%

Year 2 Maths

Expected Standard

100% 70%

 Year 2 Maths

Greater Depth

30% 16%

  Year 2 Combined

Reading, Writing & maths

70% 55%

 Year 4 Multiplication Check

Average Score

19.1 20.4


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