An A-Z of Useful Information


If your child is, ill please ensure that you telephone school before 9am and leave a message to state why s/he is away.  If no reason is provided then your child will be marked down as having an unauthorised absence.


We believe in being proactive and ensuring that children know what to do if they encounter this completely unacceptable form of behaviour.  Our curriculum includes work on relationships, solving conflict, getting help and anti-bullying.  We make it clear to children that bullying is 'Several Times On Purpose' through teaching them the acronym STOP, and discuss different types of bullying at an appropriate age.  (For example, Reception focus on ‘Being a Good Friend’ whilst older children look at peer pressure).  We discuss strategies about what to do if someone else’s behaviour is causing them or one of their friends to be unhappy as well as their individual rights and responsibilities.  If you have any concerns that your child is not behaving in an appropriate way or that another child is making them unhappy do not hesitate in letting us know so that we can investigate and put in support as appropriate.

Care and Control

If staff become aware of, or have a need to become involved in, situations where a child may be at risk of hurting themselves or others or, if the behaviour of a child seriously disrupts good order in the school or causes damage to property, staff may need to take steps to intervene physically.  In such circumstances, staff will follow the school's policy for dealing with such situations.  Any parent wishing to view this policy may do so on request.

Class Assemblies

Each half term you will be invited to a Class Assembly.  During this assembly children who have achieved their Bronze, Silver, Gold, Super Gold, Platinum or Diamond Award for team points receive their certificates.

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is an online platform that we encourage every parent to sign up to. The site connects Class 1 parents, children and school together to share information, activities and also allows the children to collect rewards through Dojo points. 


We offer a wide range of clubs.  Those provided may incur a charge, particularly if they are provided by outside providers or require materials.  New parents are offered places in clubs within the first few weeks of the Autumn Term; existing parents are offered places in clubs at the end of the previous Summer Term.  Spring Term club places are offered at the end of the Autumn Term.  Summer Term places are offered at the end of the Spring Term.  Some clubs may start during the term and you will be notified of these.  If your child attracts pupil premium funding then this may be used by the school to pay for the costs of clubs for your child.


If you have a concern or complaint you should speak to the appropriate member of staff.  This is usually the class teacher in the first instance.  They can then investigate your complaint or concern and give you a response, making clear any action or monitoring of a situation that may be necessary.  At this stage misunderstandings can usually be cleared up.  Everyone benefits from the speedy resolution of difficulties and from suggestions for improvement.  If no satisfactory solution to the complaint has been agreed please speak to the Headteacher and/or ask for a copy of our complaints policy.

Drop Off Point

The school gates are opened at 8.40am and the school day begins at 8.50am.  We are aware that there are limited spaces for parking so we offer a drop off point.  At 8.40am members of staff go outside and wait at the drop off points.  If you stop here we will escort your child out of the car and take them to the playground.


Family Lunches

Throughout the year, family members will be invited to a Family Lunch.  Parents/carers are asked to bring in a packed lunch, and children eat in the classroom with them.  This is an opportunity for the children to show parents their work and their displays and is also an opportunity to meet staff.


The school has its own Facebook page where we share photos, news and anything else that may be relevant. We never share children's names on Facebook. Our page can be found at

Forest School

Forest School encourages and inspires children to experience a variety of opportunities in our outdoor environment.  Working with nature first hand, learning new skills, encourages children to work as a team whilst building their own self esteem. Every year group benefits from this opportunity for part of the academic year.

Friends of Broadway First School

There is an active group called the Friends of Broadway First School.  We hope that you are able to join this group and make friends whilst helping to raise money for the school. Money raised has helped the school in a number of ways over the years, funding trips, visitors and much more. 


Fruit is provided for all children in Class One and Class Two.  Any children in Class Three or Class Four wishing to purchase fruit for snack may do so for a small charge – please enquire at the office about this.


Governors are a group of unpaid volunteers who support the school management.  Working together, they provide the strategic direction of the school, but governors do not become involved in the day to day leadership of the school. They are, however, responsible for ensuring that the school is run efficiently and the children receive the best quality education that the school can provide.


Holidays in term time will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.  If you feel that your request meets the criteria please contact the office for a form well in advance.  If you take your child out of school for a holiday without permission you may be fined.


All children have homework.  In Reception this will focus upon hearing a child read and strengthening your child’s understanding of letter sounds (phonics).  We will have meetings in the Autumn term to discuss this further with the parents of children in Class 1.  As the year progresses homework may begin to include additional tasks.

As your child grows older, we strongly encourage regular reading.  Once they reach a certain level of understanding (usually by the end of Year 1) they will be put on the Accelerated Reader scheme.  The children read texts closely matched to their ability then complete a ‘quiz’ at school on the book before progressing on to a different text.  More information regarding Accelerated Reader is available at the school office.

Homework is an important part of school.  It enables children to extend and consolidate work.  It also provides parents with an opportunity to see what their child is learning in school.  Homework tasks range from reading, writing, maths to completing ‘Projects’ over the course of a topic.

Inspire Workshops

Throughout the year, you will be invited to take part in an activity in school with your child.  The activity will enable you to practise at home something that the children are focussing upon in their class.  There will be a short session first where the activity is explained to parents, then children will join us for a fun afternoon.  Dates are provided at the beginning of each term.

Jewellery and Valuables

For reasons of health and safety, jewellery is not allowed to be worn in school except for one pair of studs.  If you are having your child’s ears pierced we request that you consider having this done at the beginning of the summer holiday to allow for healing and to avoid missing PE lessons, which are a compulsory part of the National Curriculum.  If your child wears stud earrings, these must be removed before PE lessons – we suggest they are taken off prior to school on days when we have PE. We accept no responsibility for studs.

Long hair should be tied back neatly and the use of makeup and nail varnish is not allowed.

Valuable items should not be brought into school.  Neither the school nor the Local Authority can accept responsibility for watches or other personal items brought into school.


It is vital for children to arrive at school in good time so that they are fully prepared for their lessons and are in a good frame of mind to extend their learning. Being late can cause anxiety for the children and make them feel uncomfortable when walking into lessons that have already started. Lateness is closely monitored and parents may receive invitations to discuss lateness with the school. Persistent lateness may result in fines.


There is a choice of a school meal or a healthy packed lunch for lunch.  Please have a look at the leaflet designed by our children for some meal ideas.  During the summer months sandwiches are often eaten outside on the picnic benches.

Class Catering offer hot school meals (e.g. main meal, vegetarian option, jacket potato or packed lunch) for a charge per day for children in Years 3, 4 and 5.  Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are part of the Universal Free School Meals programme which starts in September.  As such, parents of children in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 do not pay for lunches but will need to order lunches from Class Catering in advance.

As meals are cooked at a different site parents wishing to use Class Catering must order meals by the Wednesday before the week they are needed.  They also need to be paid for in advance for Years 3, 4 or 5.  Several weeks can be ordered at the same time.  Please ask at the office for more information.

If your child is ill or you change your mind then it is parents’ responsibility to phone Class Catering by 9.30am to inform them to ensure a credit/refund.  Their number is 07545 205864.


Should your child have a medical condition please let staff know. Asthma inhalers are kept in the classroom.  With the exception of inhalers, staff do not administer medication in school without the prior agreement. Only medication prescribed by a doctor will be administered at school.  Parents must complete a form giving permission and details of dosage and timings.


If you wish your child to have milk at school you must first register with a company called ‘Cool Milk’.  Once registered, your child will receive milk free of charge until they are five.  If they are over five the company needs to be paid directly.  (There is a leaflet explaining this available in the office).

Music Tuition

We invite peripatetic teachers in to school so that parents may purchase music tuition.  More information can be found by contacting the school office.


Every Friday the school newsletter is sent electronically to parents and carers. These can also be found on our school website. If you require a paper copy then please let the School Office know.

Old Clothes for Playtimes

Children need lots of exercise and this is strongly encouraged at playtimes. We like to use the field for as much of the year as possible.  Therefore children may bring in wellington boots or old trainers with an old pair of joggers/waterproof trousers so that they can play on the field.  Be warned, they do get muddy! During the summer months, in good weather the children will be allowed on the field without them.  In all other months they will need at least a change of footwear. The playtime clothes/footwear are kept on racks outside.

Pupil Premium

Pupil premium is an additional amount of money allocated to schools by the Government to provide support for children who qualify.  This will be used in a variety of ways such as to provide additional staff, training staff or providing enrichment opportunities to support those children's learning and wellbeing.  Pupil premium is determined by the number of children eligible for free school meals (whether the meals are taken or not).  We therefore urge you to apply if you feel you meet the criteria below.  Even if you do not wish to take up the Free School Meal or your child is receiving a meal each day as they are in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 please apply as this money makes a significant impact on the school’s budget.

Free School Meals can be awarded if you or your partner are claiming any of the following;

  • Income Support Job Seekers Allowance – Income Based
  • Employment and Support Allowance - Income Related
  • Support under part V1 of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit, provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190.

** Note: Children are eligible for Free School Meals for a four week period immediately after the parent/carer becomes unemployed, or reduces their hours to less than 16 hours a week, but is still in receipt of Working Tax Credit. You will need to be able to produce a copy of your Tax Credit Decision Notice to claim under these criteria.

If you feel that your child may be eligible for free school meals, please contact Mrs. Freaney in the office or call the Free School Meals Team on 01905 766182.


The school endeavours to prepare children to be active citizens of a global community.  This includes learning that different families have different traditions at home (which can be as simple as sports they play together, routines in the morning) as well as learning about other cultures.  Children are also encouraged to respect the fact that other people may have different views, values or faiths to their own.

Broadway First School takes racism seriously.  Our definition of a racist incident [which is in line with the McPherson Report] is:

  1. Any incident in which it appears to the person reporting the incident and/or any other person that the incident involves an element of racial motivation.
  2. Any incident which includes an allegation of racial motivation made by any person.” Racial” means of any race, nationality, colour or ethnicity.
    [NB Gypsy/travellers are recognised within The Race Relations Act as an Ethnic Minority.]

This definition is designed to ensure that not only is a full account taken of what the victim says, but also of what is said by those who witnessed the incident or reported it on behalf of another person.

Should the school receive any report of alleged racism it will be investigated and appropriate action taken as detailed in our policy (which is available on the school website).

Residential Trip

We endeavour to provide a residential trip for children in Years 4 and 5 each academic year.  The trip may be closely linked to their topic (for example, a residential trip to a farm) or outdoor pursuits.  These trips are invaluable in developing resilience, independence, responsibility and team work in children.


All those who come into contact with children through their every day work whether paid or voluntary have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.  There may be times, as a parent or carer, when you need help, advice or information when caring for your child.  You may wish to contact the school if you think we may be able to help you access support, for example regarding e-safety or emotional wellbeing.  If we have any concerns we will talk to parents first if possible/appropriate.

School Closures (Weather/Emergency)

Should the school need to be closed (for example, due to heavy snow), parents will be informed through local news reports, the school website and we will endeavour to let you know through text alerts.

School Dinners

Should you wish to provide your child with a healthy packed lunch we can accommodate this.  Please take a look at the leaflets designed by our older children for some ideas.  Sweets, glass bottles and cans of drink should not be included in school lunchboxes.

Please also refer to ‘Lunchtimes’ above.

School Rules

In each classroom there are four golden rules. They are:

  1. We look after our things and our school.
  2. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
  3. We always try our hardest.
  4. We do as we are asked first time.

There are structured rewards and sanctions which are implemented at the teacher’s discretion.  When we notice positive behaviour we may put them on the ‘happy’ side and then, if they are noticed again, the child would get a tick next to their name.  This continues until the end of the day, when we look at the rewards and hand out stickers, team points and even post cards home as appropriate.

With regards to sanctions, we clearly explain consequences of poor choices.  We normally speak to the child, giving them clear expectations and reminders before using the sanctions below.  However, children are taught about sanctions and they are applied where appropriate.

Name Well Done Name Warning
Name ✓ 1 house point Name ✓ 5 minutes reflection time
Name ✓✓ 1 house point + sticker Name ✓✓ 5 minutes off play
Name ✓✓✓ Certificate to go home Name ✓✓✓ See Mr Poultney/Teacher in Charge and communiation with parents

Your child(ren) will be in one of four teams: Eadburgha, Lygon, Russell or Morris. Children are awarded team points for a wide range of reasons, including good behaviour, and effort and application in their work.  A record is kept each week of the number of team points each child collects, as well as the number of team points for each team.  The winning team is then celebrated in assembly each week.  Individual children collect team points to earn certificates which are given out in Class Assemblies.  

School Website

Our school website is  This is regularly updated with news and dates.  Several school policies are available via the website.


Children in Classes 1 and 2 are provided with a piece of fruit each day. Children in other years are welcome to purchase fruit. This needs to be ordered in advance – please ask at the office for details.

Special Needs

Every child is unique.  Sometimes they require a little extra help, at which point we will make a plan to support them in partnership with parents. Some children only require help for a short time.

Specialist help will be accessed as and when appropriate.

The Teacher responsible for overseeing the care of children with special educational needs is Mrs Nightingale She is known as the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator).  If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher and, or Miss Pearson.


Children in certain year groups have swimming lessons.  You will be informed of the timetable for this throughout the year.  To enable us to continue with this provision for children we will request a voluntary donation towards the cost of the swimming lessons.

Teacher Training Days

There are five Teacher Training days a year.  They are commonly known as TED days. Children do not come to school on TED days.  The TED days are listed on the newsletter and shared with parents at the beginning of each academic year.

Timing of the School Day (normal circumstances)

Here is a brief overview of the school day. Please note that times may vary slightly.

Time Activity Points to note
7.30am Breakfast Club opens
8.40am Children may go on playground

Parents may drop their children off at the ‘Drop Off’ points to ease traffic congestion.   All children are to go directly on to the playground. Parents may also come on to the playground.  

Staff may be available to talk to parents during this time – please ask at the school office.  

8.50am Start of school day

Children will be in school ready for the register to be called. 

Children who are late have to be taken to the school office. Parents need to sign them in and a member of staff will escort the child to class.

8.50-9.00am Registration Children are usually given a short activity to do whilst the register is being taken.

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri


Mon – Religous stories with morals

Tues – Our school and British values

Wed – Newsround

Thurs – Singing 

Fri – Headteacher’s awards

Other assemblies are arranged throughout the year  

10.30am Playtime This is when the children have their snack and milk.
10.45am End of playtime As for the beginning of the school day.

12.00pm (Reception)

12.10pm (Years 1, 2, 3,4,5)

Lunch All children in Class 1 and  Class  2 are part of the Universal Free School Meals. All other children have the option of purchasing a school meal (unless they receive free school meals) or bringing a healthy packed lunch to school.
1.00pm End of lunch As for beginning of school day.
2.00pm – 2.10pm Afternoon play for Key Stage 1  Key Stage 2  staff may decide to give the children a short break depending on what they are doing.
3.10pm End of school day Children are walked to the nearest exit and staff ensure that each child goes with an adult from the child’s named contacts list. If it is someone different please ensure that school is informed and that the person has your code word.
3.10pm Clubs/Wraparound Mrs Organis the Wraparound manager.
5.30pm End of Wraparound All children should be collected by this time.

Uniform (Including PE Kit)

Our uniform consists of:


  • Grey trousers or grey shorts in summer
  • White polo shirt - Including the school logo is preferred
  • Navy blue school sweatshirt – Including the school logo is preferred
  • Black shoes (not trainers)
  • Navy blue school T-shirt. An unbranded navy t-shirt is acceptable (for PE)
  • Navy blue shorts with optional dark coloured jogging bottoms in winter (for PE)
  • Black pumps (for PE)


  • Grey skirt/pinafore dress/trousers or a red gingham dress in summer
  • White polo shirt - Including the school logo is preferred
  • Navy blue school sweatshirt or cardigan - Including the school logo is preferred
  • Black shoes (not trainers)
  • Navy blue school T-shirt. An unbranded navy t-shirt is acceptable (for PE)
  • Navy blue shorts with optional dark coloured jogging bottoms in winter (for PE)
  • Black pumps (for PE)


Our  Laugh 'n' Learn Pre-school children’s uniform is the same as the whole school except for:

  • Red sweatshirt – Including the pre-school logo is preferred
  • Gold/Yellow polo shirt – Including the school logo is preferred


  • Navy blue book bag available from Broadway First School
  • Navy blue PE bag for swimming and PE available from Broadway First School or optional rucksack
  • Cap for the summer
  • Water bottle (the first one is provided free of charge)
  • School fleece/waterproof jacket – optional but really useful for school trips etc
  • Jewellery should be limited to one pair of simple earrings (no looped) and a watch. Children will be required to remove earrings independently during PE lessons or have their own supply of coverings for health and safety purposes.
  • Long hair should be tied back.

You may buy uniform with the school badge sewn on to polo shirts and jumpers/cardigans/coats from The School Shop in Evesham or online. (Please see leaflets).

You can access the School Shop here:

My Clothing (online supplier) - 

Reception to Year 5 -

Pre-school -

Many other standard items can be purchased from a range of clothing outlets and supermarkets.

The school has a range of unifrom from previous pupils. If you are interested then please contact the School Office for more details. 

Please note that children are allowed to bring old trainers/wellington boots and waterproof trousers/old jogging bottoms for playtime in the winter as we allow access to the field as often as possible.

Working Together

You are your child’s primary teacher.  You have taught them from the moment they were born and we want to work with you to help progress your child’s learning further.  Part of this is regular communication so that you know what is happening in school at the beginning of each term.  Another part of this is to have a Home-School Agreement.  This provides a clear understanding of the expectations of school on parents and children and also what parents and children can expect from our team.

Wraparound Club

We have both a morning club and an afternoon club.  The morning club opens at 7.30am and includes breakfast.  The after school club is open until 5.30pm.  There are three options: end of school to 4.30pm; end of school to 5.30pm and end of an after school club until 5.30pm.  A light snack is also offered.  There is a charge and places must be booked in advance. 

Upcoming Events

  • 04 Mar
    Table Tennis Club 3.15-4.15pm 03:15 PM to 04:15 PM

  • 05 Mar
    Book & Biscuit - Reception 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM

  • 05 Mar
    Gymnastics Club 3.15-4.15pm 03:15 PM to 04:15 PM

  • 04 Mar - 05 Mar
  • 06 Mar - 11 Mar
  • 12 Mar - 13 Mar
  • 17 Mar - 18 Mar
  • 19 Mar - 20 Mar
  • 21 Mar - 26 Mar
  • 26 Mar - 29 Mar
  • 01 Apr - 02 Apr
  • 02 Apr - 02 Apr