The role of Governors at Broadway First School

We would like to extend our welcome to you. We are an active team of governors who are dedicated to ensuring your child gets the best possible education at Broadway First School.

The governing body of a school is responsible for:

a. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

b. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;

c. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent, and

d. Engaging with pupils, staff, parents and the school community to understand their views of the school

We do this by helping to create the strategic mission for the school and supporting and challenging the senior leadership team to ensure that the school efficiently performs its vital task of educating and preparing children for life in 21st century society.

In addition to attending meetings, Governors also regularly visit the school to meet with staff and pupils, observe lessons and monitor the 'School Development Plan'. Our current Chair is Mrs Jackie Ferguson and Vice Chair is Miss Lesley-Anne Avis

Types of Governors on our Full Governing Body (FGB)

Our FGB comprises of 11 Governors over the following categories. This structure is in accordance with our 'Instrument of Government' which was varied by order of Worcestershire LA on 19 July 2016 and came into effect on 30 September 2016:

Head Teacher (x1): Mr Lee Poultney
Staff Governor (x1): Mrs Lisa Fielder
Parent Governors (x2): Mrs Dee Hope and Ruth Piercy
Local Authority Governor (x1): Mrs Alison James
Co-opted Governors (x6): Mrs Jackie Ferguson, Miss Lesley-Anne Avis and Mr Gavin Morris, Mrs Collings, Mrs Edgecombe and Mrs Booth


To reflect the changes in the Ofsted Inspection framework; from September 2019 we will be operating two main committees, which will help us deliver our objectives:

Quality Committee

This committee replaces the previous Curriculum and Data committees and will more effectively monitor the curriculum and pupil data, ensuring all appropriate strategic actions are taken to meet the required progress and attainment for all children across all abilities and year groups. You can read the Terms of Reference of this committee (April 2024)

Chaired by: Miss Avis

Members: Mr Poultney, Mrs Ferguson, Mr Morris and Mrs Edgecombe

Finance & Premises Committee

This committee provides oversight and management of the budget drawn up by the school, ensures the school maintains an appropriate system of internal financial control and agrees priorities for revenue and capital funding. Read the Terms of Reference of this committee (July 2024).

Chaired by: Mrs Alison James

Members: Mr Poultney, Mrs Hope, Mrs Ferguson and Mr Jon Freaney (Associate member)

Link Governors

We operate a system of 'link' Governors, where Governors take responsibility for specific areas:

Safeguarding, 'Prevent' and e-safety – Mr Morris

Health and Safety - Mrs Ferguson

Special Educational Needs & Disability (SENd) – Mrs James

Website - Mrs Collings

Statutory information

Terms of Office for our past and present Governors - as at November 23

Register of Governor interests - as at December 2023

'Code of Conduct' 2023/24 - our Governors will abide by this code of conduct 

Governor meetings attendance record for 2022/23 academic year

Minutes of previous FGB meetings

2023/24: 28 Sept 2023

2022/23: 26 Sept 2022; 17 Jan 2023; 6 Mar 2023; 23 Mar 2023; 27 April 202313 July 2023

2021/22: 23 Sept 2021; 20 Jan 2022; 5 May 2022; 14 July 2022

2020/2021: 17 Sept 2020; 17 Nov 2020; 3 Dec 2021; 29 April 2021; 15 July 2021

2019/2020: 19 Sept 2019; 12 Dec 19; 26 Feb 20; 27 April 20; 19 May 20; 1 June 20 and 8 July 2020

2018/2019: 4 July 201911 April 201913 Dec 201820 Sept 2018

2017/20185 July 201830 April 201814 December 201721 September 2017

2016/20176 July 20174 May 201712 January 201722 September 2016




Upcoming Events

  • 16 Jul
    Year 5 BBQ & Rounders 04:30 PM to 06:00 PM

    All of Year 5 and their parents are invited to take part in a game of fun rounders and enjoy some BBQ food to mark the end of their time at Broadway First School.  Food must be ordered in advance - please note this event is free of charge. 

  • 17 Jul
    Annual Whole School Broadway Tower Walk All Day

  • 19 Jul
    End of Term and the Academic Year All Day

  • 16 Jul - 20 Jul
  • 02 Sep - 04 Sep