Welcome to Seuss Class
Welcome to Seuss Class. We are a class of Year 3 and Year 4 children. Our teacher is Ms Langford and on Tuesday afternoons, Mrs Organ teaches us RE and SMSC. Miss Boulton is our fabulous teaching assistant.
A piece of either Maths or English homework goes out once a week on a Monday and is due in the following Monday.
Spellings for the week are also sent home on a Monday, to learn before their spelling test on the Friday. Please help your child with their practise. Each child also has a login for Spelling Shed, to help them practise their spellings at home (https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb/).
Regular reading is invaluable for children. We encourage the children to take their school reading books home and to read to an adult each night. This reading practise must be recorded in their reading records so that they can receive a Dojo point. Once your child is confident with their book, they can then take the quiz on Accelerated Reader. https://global-zone61.renaissance-go.com/welcomeportal/2250969
In English, we are currently learning to write a Biography of Thomas Edison, using the book Scientists as our inspiration.
We are starting the year learning Multiplication and Division.
In school we regularly practise our times tables to prepare children for the statutory multiplication assessment in the Summer term of Year 4. It is expected by the end of Year 4, children are able to recall multiplication facts up to 12 x 12.
Every child in Year 3 and 4 has an account for timestables.co.uk. Each time you practice your times tables on timestables.co.uk, you earn a medal. I wonder how many you can collect?
Timestables.co.uk: https://www.timestables.co.uk/games/
Tomb Raiders
Our current topic is called Land of Hope and Glory and has a Geography focus. We will be learning all about the United Kingdom For more information check out our Topic fact sheets below.
Our Topic fact sheets give you some more information about what we will be covering throughout the topic. They can be seen here:
Our current Science unit will see us learning about Humans including Animals, whilst continuing to develop key working scientifically skills.
Wednesdays and Thursdays - PE lesson with Miss Jones (PE Coach) will take place on a Wednesday. Children will need their full PE kit, with warm trousers and trainers for autumn/winter.