Ofsted have previously commented, 'a wide variety of after-school clubs and a range of trips and visitors contribute to pupils' enjoyment of school.' 
Broadway First School has always been enthusiastic about competing in a range of competitive and festival-based sports events with other schools from around Worcestershire. With our very active cluster group, we believe that all schools years should have the opportunity to take part in friendly and competitve events throughout a range of sports and activities.
We have participated in football tournaments, cross country school games competitions, Dancefest, quick sticks hockey, netball 7's, rugbyIMG 0749 and athletics.
Outdoor and Adventurous during annual residential visit
Each Summer Year 4 and 5 have the opportunity to leave home and school for a residential trip. Activities vary each year, but children have taken part in water sports, climbing activities and orienteering.
We also take time to work on our school value of togetherness by teaming up to compete in the annual inter-school Bell Boating Regatta in Pershore.
After-school clubs
As a small school we pride ourselves on the range of after-school sporting clubs we offer throughout the year to all year groups including football, table tennis and dance.
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Active breaktimes and the Daily Mile
Broadway First School has invested in Moki fitness trackers which track and motivate our children to achieve at least 30 minutes of activity in school each day. With our new all-weather running track, children throughout the school from pre-school upwards are taking part in the Daily Mile initiative. Skipping workshops have also taken place to encourage pupils to stay active.
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Children in Key Stage 2 enjoy a 10 week block of swimming lessons during the Autumn Term at Evesham Leisure Centre. This leads into competing in an inter-school swimming gala at the end of the Spring Term for Years 3 to 5.
Cross Country
Year 4 and 5 children experience a cross country event at Bredon Pull Court School, where they use their Daily Mile practice to compete against other schools from our cluster.
Competitive Sports
Each year group will get the opportunity to take part in a sporting activity, joining in and competing against children of the same age from other schools. 
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Young Leaders
We have got a group of Year 4 and 5 children who organise and run sport activities and games during lunchtimes, allowing children throughout the school to participate in a friendly and inviting game. The young leaders will also support sporting events, such as multiskills and dodgeball events, as well as our annual sports day.
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Bikeability is offered to children in Key Stage 2 every year and an external coach teaches them how to control their bike and be aware of their surroundings, moving onto road skills for our more confident cyclists.
Bell Boating
Years 4 and 5 take part in two days of bell boating on the River Avon, learning paddle skills and how to safely enter a boat. It's a great opportunity to get outside and learn a new skill.
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Upcoming Events

  • 04 Mar
    Table Tennis Club 3.15-4.15pm 03:15 PM to 04:15 PM

  • 05 Mar
    Book & Biscuit - Reception 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM

  • 05 Mar
    Gymnastics Club 3.15-4.15pm 03:15 PM to 04:15 PM

  • 04 Mar - 05 Mar
  • 06 Mar - 11 Mar
  • 12 Mar - 13 Mar
  • 17 Mar - 18 Mar
  • 19 Mar - 20 Mar
  • 21 Mar - 26 Mar
  • 26 Mar - 29 Mar
  • 01 Apr - 02 Apr
  • 02 Apr - 02 Apr