Welcome to Oz Class!      
Oz are based in Class 2 and we are a mixed group of Year 1 and 2.

Our teacher is:

Miss Kerby

    Our teaching assistants are:

Miss Lawes

Miss Cotton

           On one afternoon per week, we welcome Mrs Organ into Oz Class to teach RE and SMSC. 

Our current topic is: Exceptional Explorers

Please click on the link below to view the topic map. Here, you will find useful information, key vocabulary, key questions and homework tasks.

Topic Map - Exceptional Explorers

Previous topic maps:

Topic Map - Inside the Castle Walls

PE: PE will take place on a Thursday and Friday afternoon. On Thursday, we will be taught by our PE coach, Miss Jones and on a Friday afternoon, we also have PE as a class. Please make sure your child has a full, named PE kit.

Information about homework: We hand out homework once a week on a Monday and the expectation is that the homework will be completed and returned by the following Monday morning.  Maths and English homework and this will alternate each week. Spelling homework is also set each week as well as regular reading at home.

Upcoming Events

  • 16 Jul
    Year 5 BBQ & Rounders 04:30 PM to 06:00 PM

    All of Year 5 and their parents are invited to take part in a game of fun rounders and enjoy some BBQ food to mark the end of their time at Broadway First School.  Food must be ordered in advance - please note this event is free of charge. 

  • 17 Jul
    Annual Whole School Broadway Tower Walk All Day

  • 19 Jul
    End of Term and the Academic Year All Day

  • 16 Jul - 20 Jul
  • 02 Sep - 04 Sep